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Christmas Promotional Ideas to Boost Ticket Sales

Christmas Promotional Ideas to Boost Ticket Sales

Nov 28, 2016 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Are you planning a big Christmas event this year? If so, you are not alone. You need to prepare for the vast amount of competition you are going to come across, and think of some new ways to reach out to potential ticket buyers to increase your ticket sales. One of the best things you can remember is that selling tickets means you need to think like a ticket buyer and remember what your customers might want or expect from a Christmas party.Once you can empathize with them, you’re sure to follow these promotional ideas successfully.

Think Traditions

There are certain Christmas traditions we all expect to be able to celebrate. If you can keep in mind some of the traditional aspects that your ticket buyers will expect, and promote these adequately, you’ll attract more of them and make things comfortable for them.

For instance, mention the main traditions of the party, or the schedule of the party if it includes traditions in it. This way, you are advertising right to your customer’s expectations and reaching your target audience with ease. Of course, you are not required to keep every single Christmas tradition with this plan, but just enough to promote attraction and interest.

Think Unique

While it may sound contradictory, there needs to be a unique attraction or two to your event as well to stimulate interest. This approach is intended to balance out the traditions with some unique concept you are using as a “one of a kind” interest draw to potential ticket buyers. This concept could be a raffle, a gift exchange, certain games you want to offer, a type of dance party, your theme, or based on anything. The main thing, again, to consider here is what your ticket buyers would enjoy most, and to try and offer a unique item or two that will attract them to the party and make your offerings innovative.

The Combination

Once you have your traditional and unique offerings settled on and balanced out, you need to make these offerings clear to your audience when you promote. Wherever you advertise, whether it be social media or otherwise, always make sure to include a link to your advertising that not only includes the information about the event that’s set up to entice ticket sales but an area on your website link that makes it obvious for ticket buyers to purchase your tickets.

If you need more information on Christmas promotional ideas,you can stick with us here at Eventcombo.Not only do we at Eventcombo offer plenty of information to help guide you with your promotions, but we also can help yoursell your tickets for your next event through our website.

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